APNME Best Poster Prize

APNME Best Poster Prize

Also see Guidelines for Poster Presentations

At each of its annual conferences, in addition to paper presentations, the APNME also seeks to reach out to and provide a forum for younger educators, including those studying for masters or doctoral degrees in related fields, by organizing a poster presentation session at which they can present their theoretical, empirical and practical work in progress. The APNME Annual Best Poster Prize is awarded to the presenter(s) of the best poster.

Criteria for awarding the APNME Best Poster Prize


Does it convey the main idea of the research project?

Does it capture the attention of the reader/viewer?

[Maximum length 15 words]


Is the research problem/topic/question clearly stated and explained?

Is there an appropriate minimum of background information, definitions of terminology, and a mention of relevant published, primary literature, to give a context to the research question/s or philosophical problem/s?

Is the presenter’s justification of the research design clear and concise?

[Maximum length approximately 200 words.]


Is the description of the research design more quantitative, more qualitative, more philosophical, using mixed methods, clear and concise?

Are figures, tables, flow charts, diagrams, and/or pictures used effectively and efficiently to illustrate the research design?

[Maximum length: approximately 200 words.]


Is the description of the analysis approach clear and concise?

Are the main points, or the position taken, in the analysis clearly identified and readily connected to the findings of the research process?

[Maximum length approximately 200 words]


Are the research questions answered and/or the presenter’s positions defended in a clear and concise way?

Is the discussion of the research work related back to the published, primary literature?

Is the research work's relevance to the conference themes and possible future research clearly indicated?

[Maximum length approximately 200 words.]

Literature Cited 

Is the chosen formatting style consistently adhered to?

Are significant journal articles referred to?

[Maximum length 10 citations.]

Layout and Presentation 

Is there appropriate use of words and is the text written in a large easily legible font?

Are graphs, charts, pictures, and/or tables used as a tool for communicating ideas, and is the poster colorful?

Do the contents have a logical flow and are the layout and headings visually stimulating?

Is the design and style of delivery organized for maximum effectiveness?

Did the poster presenter give an effective, brief and clear presentation, and was he/she  able to engage in open dialogue with the judges about his/her research?